To be competitive online for the valuable free search engine results (organic ranking) your site must have targeted words or phrases, quality content, and quality backlinks.

I recently had a discussion with a customer about their current strategy to get potential customers to visit their website and asked what search terms do they want to be found on?  Their reply was “We want to be found on everything!”  This common mistake was assuming that a single business website can dominate multiple search terms, words, and phrases on search engines.

Businesses must first focus on a moderate list of search terms to capture. Google freely shares search quantities of keywords that your potential customers search monthly.  Use this information to find what customers are searching and target specific words. If a coffee business has 40 flavors of coffee,  it is unrealistic to think that they can corner the search market on all 40 flavors and types of coffee. However, they can focus on their top products (flavors) by building content and links based on these best sellers.  Once the customer gets to their site, they can then see for themselves
all the other products they offer.

Once you have your list of search terms/words that you want to be found on, build content for real people. Major search engines, write their algorithms (their rules to calculate free organic links/ads) to put a high value on what people put a high value on.  Don’t be too concerned with search algorithms but rather focus your content on what real customers are looking for with useful articles, videos, and images.

Contact related businesses in your industry and get quality inbound links (backlinks) from related websites to your website. Google, Bing, and Yahoo understand your niche and increase the ranking of your site, in turn, driving targeted visitors to your site.  Consistent social networking posts can also help in building quality backlinks. Beware of the “1000 backlinks for $5” ads online that will most likely get you low-quality links.

Lastly, keep your website content fresh and easily viewable on smartphones. If you take the time to focus on these things, you will turn your website from a static sales brochure into a new dynamic sales channel.

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